Programming a model into a dish.
How to properly setup a project that mounts between centers and for turning or carving.
Using Aspire to draw the table based on specific design criteria.
Learn how to draw and program the frame components for the Drop Leaf Table using Aspire or V Carve Pro software.
Using Aspire to draw the Legs.
While the programming can be done in Aspire, CCAM Pro greatly simplifies the programming process.
Using Aspire to program the pockets for the hinges on the bottom of the table. Warning: this is critical. You may need to make a test cut.
Includes a video link for a YouTube video showing how to use the modeling toolpath.
Q&A portion of the online workshop
Program a Vector Turning toolpath for CCAM Pro that includes roughing passes.
Review of the Drop Leaf Table Hinge Drawing.
Review of the Drop Leaf Table Leg Drawing with the correctioons to the joinery.
Program a 3″ deep hole that is 1`” in diameter at the top and 0.5″ in diameter at the bottom.
Create a 2D toolpath without G2 and G3 commands for CCAM Pro’s Vector Turning toolpath.
Learn how to reproduce a spindle from a photo using CCAM Pro
Go over submitted questions including topics like Vectrics node shortcuts.
In this workshop, we will go over file types as well as extensions, as well as going over organization.
In this intermediate workshop, we will work with Vectric’s Sheets and layers.
In this workshop, we will program a fixture for machining a double-sided part.
In this workshop, we will take the 3D molding created from the last class and show basic and advanced tool path methods for 3D carvings.
In this workshop, we will show how to use an image as a template to create vectors and 3D models for molding.
In this workshop, we will take the linear molding design and show how to layout wrapped molding for the turning center. The method of using router bit profiles will be explained.
In this workshop, we will take the linear molding design and show how to layout curved molding. Both methods of using router bit profiles and creating a 3D model for carving will be explained.
In this workshop, we will show how to design linear molding using router bit profiles and create a 3D model for carving.
In this workshop, we will continue the process of how to replicate a table leg. Using the CAD design we will program all the toolpaths in both V-Carve Pro and Conversational CAM Pro. Using C-CAM Pro all the toolpaths will then be combined into one program file for the CNC.
In this workshop, we will show you how to replicate a table leg. We will complete the CAD design by using V-Carve Pro to trace images and prep the layout for each toolpath step.
In this workshop, we will show you how to design and toolpath the steps to produce a wood inlay using Vectric’s V-Carve Pro.
In this workshop, we will show you how to create a program and turn an elliptical spindle using Vectric’s Aspire CAD/CAM software. This technique was pioneered by Milo Scott.
In this workshop, we will continue the Sketch Up process with Michael Samarza to show how to create a 3D spindle and program it in C-CAM Pro.
In this workshop, we will walk through the Indexing toolpaths to create multisided spindle designs.
In this workshop, we will show what files are used to surface your base table and how to customize table fixtures to match your base table hole pattern.
In this workshop, we will show how to set up a project in C-CAM Pro. Projects will allow you to manages every part.
In this workshop, we will show how to use layers in the Vectric CAD/CAM Software. Speed up your work flow by organizing your vectors and models in layers.
In this workshop, we will go through the steps to design and program a baseball bat for Delta Controllers on Legacy CNC machines. We will show how to use C-CAM Pro’s “Import Turn Vector” toolpath.
In this workshop, we will go through the steps to design and program linear & wrapped molding.
In this workshop, we will explore different turning toolpaths including Turning Round, Turning Tool Profile, and more.
In this workshop, we will show how to correct taper setting parameters in C-CAM Pro.
In this workshop, Michael Samarza will show what software he uses as a professional CNC cabinet maker. Michael also offers training and design & programming services for CabinetSense. Click Here to sign up with Michael.
In this workshop, we will explain what is required to become a professional CNC cabinet maker.
In this workshop, we will show how to use parent & child connected toolpaths.
In this workshop, we will cover the basic flow and features of Legacy’s new C-CAM Pro software.
In this workshop, Milo Scott will show how to program a turning technique called lacing. He will show how to set up, model and toolpath an asymmetrical Cabriole Leg.
In this workshop, we will cover the different types of endmill cutters and when to use them.
In this workshop, we will compare the differences between C-CAM and C-CAM Pro to help you decide if you need to upgrade to C-CAM Pro.
In this workshop, using Vectrics CAD/CAM software we will show how to design, toolpath, and machine both the tails and pins of a half-blind dovetail joint.
In this workshop, using Vectrics CAD/CAM software we will show how to design and toolpath a vertical table fixture to hold two parts at a 90 deg. angle. This will be used to machine both the tails and pins of a half-blind dovetail joint at the same time.
In this workshop, we will learn how to design, toolpath and cut a hollow spiral spindle with Legacy’s Conversational CAM software.
In this workshop, we will learn the steps to properly care for and maintain your Legacy CNC machine.
In this workshop, we will learn the steps to program contour turning using Vectric’s Aspire CAM/CAM software and a new post processor.
In this workshop, we covered a number of topics that were submitted through the Submit Question Form. Wrapped Brick Molding, Managing Tool Libraries’, Create 3D Models, Smart Tool Procedures, and More…
In this workshop, we will learn how to machine finger joints using the Vertical Workstation on your Legacy CNC.
In this workshop, we will design, and program a baseball bat for a Legacy Mach3 CNC controller.
In this workshop, we will demonstrate how to start with a photo of a turning, create a turning vector by tracing the profile, and instantly generate G Code to turn the part using Legacy’s new Turning Vector Toolpath.
In this workshop, we will demonstrate how to design, toolpath, and machine one-piece MDF cabinet doors.
In this class, Michael Samarza of West Oak Studios will demonstrate how to use CabinetSense to quickly design & toolpath a set of cabinets. Once the G Code is created, we will machine parts and demonstrate the assembly process.
In this video, we will show you how to optimize the G Code for machining the parts and then assemble the table.
This class is designed for absolute beginners. We will demonstrate how to program a simple part, set up the CNC on the turning center, and turn the part.
This class is designed for absolute beginners. We will demonstrate how to program a simple part, set up the CNC on the vertical table, and machine the part.
In this video, we will show you how to download files and set up Vectric’s V-Carve Pro and Aspire software to get the most out of your CNC.
This class is designed for absolute beginners. We will demonstrate how to program a simple part, set up the CNC on the horizontal table, and machine the part.
In this class, we will illustrate how to use nodes and milling techniques to optimize the milling process.
In this class, we will program the indexed flutes for the Display Table legs.
In this workshop, we will design, program, and machine a T-Track table grid that doesn’t require aluminum T-Track rails. This table allows you to clamp the work from both the sides and the ends.
In this workshop, we will demonstrate how to resize the swingarm for your dust collection system.
Download Files:
In this workshop, we will demonstrate how to design a swingarm for your dust collection system.
Download Files:
In this class, we will focus on programming and machining the sides of the display table.
In this class, we will focus on programming and machining a tapered leg for the display table.
This class will focus on programming and machining the tenons on the rails for the display table.
In this class, we will focus on programming and machining the offset mortises for the legs as well as the tenons for the rails of the Display Table.
In this class, we will design the display table using Vectric’s Aspire CAD/CAM software and then we will set up the project in CCAM Pro.
In this class, Milo Scott will teach you how to set your feeds and speeds for your Legacy CNC.
In this class, learn how to set up and use Legacy’s Smart Tool Measurement System to set the z-zero position on the material surface or machine bed by using both the multiple tools and single tool set up methods. We will also cover calibration and rapid z-positioning.
In this class, we will show how to use the cutter list and tool library recourses to unlock unlimited project designs.
In this class, we will show how to use the cutter list and tool library recourses to unlock unlimited project designs.
In this class, we will continue demonstrating how to design and program tables for your CNC. How to design and program a table for your CNC that extends over the turning center.
In this class, we will walk through all the training and resources every Legacy customer can use on our Website.
In this class, we will continue demonstrating how to design and program tables for your CNC.
In this class, we will continue demonstrating how to design and program tables for your CNC.
In this class, we will demonstrate how to design and program tables for your CNC.
In this class, we will finish programming a simple bench that features round mortise and tenon joinery for the legs and spindles.
In this class, we will program a simple bench that features round mortise and tenon joinery for the legs and spindles.
In this class, you will learn how to design & program a vacuum table for your CNC machine. Learn how to set up and optimize a vacuum table and how to use the setup controls within the Delta controller.
In this class, you will learn how to use the optional Brick Molding toolpath for Conversational CAM. The Brick Molding toolpath process can be added to C-CAM by purchasing the software add-on through Legacy Woodworking. Just call customer service at 801-609-2803 or email
In this class, we will demonstrate the Delta controller that is used by the Maverick 2020 4X8 and the Maverick 3X5 Pro. We will also review the Checklist, available as a download from https://lwmcnc.
In this class, we will demonstrate an exciting new toolpath for CCAM PRO that will allow you to create a turning toolpath using VCarve Pro or Aspire and then import it into CCAM PRO to turn the part using the new G200 code. This process will eliminate the need to break the curves into arcs and then program each section.
Legacy CNC Q&A Session – This class will cover several questions that have been submitted for Q & A. If you have additional questions, please send me an email at tracy@legacywoo
Legacy CNC Q&A Session – This class will cover several questions that have been submitted for Q & A. If you have additional questions, please send me an email at tracy@legacywoo
Programming the front face of a three-sided corbel to be machined between centers using Aspire.
Programming two sides of a corbel to be machined between centers using Aspire.
Get inspired and see what other Legacy customers are doing with their Legacy CNC machines and find out how these projects are made.
Learn how to import G-Code that has been generated by another CAM software program into a CCAM Pro part.
Learn how to combine CCAM and Aspire programs to create a square fluted column.
This webinar training spotlight Bob McCall on his memorial project. Tracy shows techniques on how to approach the design & programming of certain components to Bob’s project.
In this webinar, we demonstrate the hollow spiral toolpath in the soon to be release Conversational CAM Pro. You can also download and install the files to update the tool database in all versions of CCAM.
In this webinar we demonstrate the soon to be release Conversational CAM Pro. The design software is now project-based and takes full advantage of all three workstations, the horizontal, vertical, and turning workstations.
This update will fix a bug that intermittely generated an extra pass when machining a tapered round part.
Learn how to set up and program toolpaths when using the vertical vise.
Learn how to update your CCAM files to set the Adjustable Bed for tapering
CCAM machine settings for programming tapered components. This is a must-watch! The wrong settings will not produce tapered components correctly!
View the Machine Settings PDF
Learn how to combine G Code from Aspire and CCAM to turn a contoured spindle with reeds.
Learn how to combine G Code from Aspire and CCAM to turn a contoured spindle with flutes.
Learn how to redesign a spindle CAD drawing with cutter shape profiles to simplify the programming sequence and to decrease the cutting time.
Learn how to redesign a spindle CAD drawing with cutter shape profiles to simplify the programming sequence and to decrease the cutting time.
Materials, programming, setup, and machining.
Learn how to program a faux raised panel door using Vectric’s Aspire software.
Learn how to program textures on a faux raised panel door using Vectric’s Aspire software.