The Best CNC System
For Woodworking

Automating your woodworking using a Legacy CNC will revolutionize the efficiency, precision, and speed of your production. With up to four workstations, Legacy’s CNC systems automate more woodworking disciplines than any other CNC leading to increased productivity and allowing for more complex and intricate designs.


Act Now And SAVE $6,500
On A Maverick 4X8
Sheet Processing System

Act Now And SAVE $4,500
On A Maverick 4X4
Auto Tool Change

Legacy CNC Woodworking Disciplines


Part Processing


3D Carving

Wrapped Carving



Sheet Processing

Legacy CNC Workstations

Most people purchase all three workstations; however, you can customize your CNC to fit your exact requirements and upgrade at any time.  

Horizontal Workstation

All CNC Routers work on a table with three axes of control. Some are dedicated to sheet processing with vacuum hold down, and others are dedicated to part processing. Legacy’s Horizontal Workstation allows you to do both sheet processing and part process.


Vertical Workstation

Legacy’s Vertical Workstation allows you to work on the ends or edges of a part. The vertical table can be set between 0 and 90 degrees to perform a variety of compound angle processes including those challenging joints used in chair building.

Turning Workstation

No one builds a turning center as versatile as Legacy’s. Our 4-axis interpolated control allows you to work with round, flat, multi-sided, and asymmetrical parts. In addition, the angle of the bed can be set fast tapering operations. Legacy’s CCAM Pro software allows you to use the CNC as a simple copy lathe.  


Legacy CNC Systems

Maverick - Production CNC Systems

Renegade - Made to Order CNC Systems

Rogue - Made to Order CNC Systems

Sign up to join Legacy’s CNC Community

As a member of our community, you can join our online CNC workshopsThese workshops include programming and operating techniques, simple to advance projects, and a Q&A session where you can learn from a community of experienced and talented CNC professionals. In addition, you will receive emails with Legacy’s latest products, see our CNC systems at work, and receive news about our special offers. 

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Maverick 4x8

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Legacy’s Special Financing


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